Last weekend I was in Texas for my friend Sofia's wedding. It was beautiful and exactly as I imagined her wedding would be. It was relaxed and an organic affair. Sofia is not fussy and definitely not the "bridezilla" type. Through all of the wedding festivities I was able to reconnect with my friend Lindsey. Lindsey, Sofia, and I were all roommates in college. We lived in the Amarillo House with our other roommate Nikah. I had forgotten about some of our adventures and weekly habits. Cookie dough, Friends, Taco Bueno, and late nights for all except Linds. There was even the summer that Sofia and I didn't really work, but just stayed up late and watched movies all day every day. I said we were losers and she scoffed at me. After I graduated I moved out of the Amarillo House and within a few months, I was married. Through Sofia's wedding I met another wonderful person that moved into the Amarillo House after I moved, Rachel. I think I missed out. We had a great time just talking and soaking up the occasion.
During my trip I realized a few truths throughout the weekend. First, you can go months and years without seeing friends, but your experiences and values always keep you connected. It was as if we had never been apart and were the same girls in the Amarillo House, just now we have different stories to tell. Secondly, it is rare to find such wonderful friends. I think about people I meet all the time who don't have those connections to people. I know I don't cherish my friends enough, call or email. But I am glad they are still my friends and that we have opportunities to come together and reconnect. Finally, after everyone gets married and has kids, what brings you all back together? And, if we don't have kids, does that mean we see each other less?!?! College was one of my favorite stages in life. So far it is the only one I would willingly go back and relive. I love the opportunities to go back and revisit those days. It reminds me of what is most important to me and creates a new attitude in my heart. It was a place where I grew, figured out who I was through the support of amazing friends, and eventually took on a new journey - marriage and the "real world."
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